Search the Catalogue

See what you can discover in our collections by searching our online catalogue.

Please note that the online catalogue will be offline on Monday 20 January 2025. See this news page for details.

We are always adding entries to our catalogue, however it does not cover 100% of the collections.

Some images are linked to catalogue entries, such as tithe maps, enclosure maps and awards. The enclosure items also form part of our New Landscapes website.

Please note that our name has changed from the Berkshire Record Office to the Royal Berkshire Archives, but we are unable to change our online catalogue at the moment.

You can also find a number of our catalogues via the Discovery search on The National Archives website. Simply choose 'Royal Berkshire Archives' as the repository in the advanced search.

Digital Records

Our digital repository stores records which we have received in digital format and copies of some of our paper-based records. It does not contain digital copies of all our collections.

You can view what digital records we have by searching our digital repository.

Please note that some of our digital records are only available to view onsite at the RBA. To arrange access please contact us.

Volumes of Berkshire Quarter Sessions